Monday, February 23, 2009

Birthday Present

GT got my birthday gift three days early. The Dirt Coalition contract arrived via email this afternoon.


Week ending 2/21/09

This past week started with a riding bang, but ended with too many other commitments to keep up the pace.

Sunday morning bright and early we left town to get in a ride on DIRT! RI NEMBA was sponsoring a fun ride at Burlingame State Park down on the coast. Even though it was a 2 1/2 hour drive, we couldn't pass up the opportunity for a guided ride on something other than roads or snow. The four PV folk - Me, Matt, Jason P and Mickey D - hopped onto the tail of a 'fast paced' ride and proceeded to pick up the pace and heart rates to race level. 15 miles 1000 calories 185 max 153 average for 2 1/2 hours.

Monday morning - president's day I took Matt and Liam up to Wendell for a ride with Jason D. We looped out around Bear Mountain, getting in a pretty nice, but mellow ride 17 miles 1000 calories 180 Max 139 average.

Tuesday I was just getting the fixie out of the driveway when the pedal blew up and then the phone rang. Too late in the day to get anything in when I finished up with the call.

Wednesday - miserable weather!

Thursday - XC skiing with GW in Wendell for 3 hours.

Friday - too warm for the trails, too wet for the road.

Saturday - ice skating at the mullins ctr for an hour.

Let's hope next week works out better!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

WE Valentines Day 2009

What a great week of training! Started Sunday with a couple runs at Sunday River before they closed up due to high winds. Drove the gang home Sunday night after lunch with the NEMBA posse gathered at Tom's friends ski house.

Monday on the Trance after Matthew's class, we hit the sled trails for a great workout. 17 miles on the snow (some road due to softening conditions on the way back to town) nearly 3 hours on the bikes.

Tuesday Allison had her individuals day at Berkshire East. I spent the day sessioning the mountain collecting coats for her team (she finished 25 in the combined GS/Slalom out of the field of just over 100 girls).

Wednesday used the Pantera, I knew there was a very short window of time for riding the snow before it got to soft. Left the house at 8:00 and got in 12 miles in about 2 hours before looped back to town.

Took Thursday off - the trails were too soft, and you have to rest sometime!

Friday on the Rush Matt and I went up to Wendell and got in some real elevation change riding 1700+ of vertical in about 12 miles. We were out about 2:30.

Saturday morning with the Trance I met Matt B, Mark N and Jason D for an early morning romp through Wendell. Only got in an hour up there - everybody's water froze in the camelback hoses so we cut the day short - 8 miles in the park about 1 hour riding time.

Saturday afternoon the Merlin came out of hibernation. Matt and I were joined by Mickey D for a 35 mile roady up to Deerfield and back over Mt. Warner. Just over 2 hours 800 ft climbing.

Week totals 80.63 miles, ~10 hours in the saddles, 5051 ft of climbing, 186 max heart, 138 average, 6400 calories.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Training and Rides for WE 2/7/09

We got in several hard rides on the soft snow this past week. Sunday it was Matt, Steve Rossi, the two dogs and I for about 2 1/2 hours in pretty difficult conditions. Steve was in a hurry to meet up with some people in Amherst, so we didn't do the full loop. Finished at about 14 miles - 7 mph pace (which I find hard to believe considering the conditions.)

Monday we appended the loop from the last ride with Tyler with an nasty hill (Matt cresting the hill - needless to say the Old Man had to hoof it) and a bit of road section. 24 miles total.

Tuesday, I forgot the Garmin, same loop.

Wednesday - I already posted that ride. First of the year with the HR monitor.

Friday we drove to Maine for some skiing. Full day on the slopes Saturday - most of the lifts closed Sunday so only a couple of runs.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Another punishing training ride with the Kid

Matthew and I put in 18 miles on the snowmobile trails today. 182 max heart rate 159 average 2:14:01 975 ft climbing. 7.34 average pace.

Snow was a little soft, but certainly fun.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Week ending 1/31/09

2 more 15-20 mile rides on the sled trails on Monday and Tuesday. Breakable crust formed from the storm Wednesday that closed the riding through the rest of the week. Took the opportunity to get some skiing in on Thursday and Friday.